Customer Service


1.1 The website (“Website”) is managed by:

The People of the Labyrinths B.V. (“POTL”)

Kastanjelaan 22G

6828 GL Arnhem, the Netherlands

+31 (0)26 351 32 69

+31 (0)26 445 65 29

Registered with the Commercial Register in Arnhem under number 09074826

VAT number: NL800820150B01

1.2 POTL’s correspondence address is Kastanjelaan 22G, 6828 GL Arnhem.

1.3 POTL’s visiting address is Kastanjelaan 22G in Arnhem.

1.4 With respect to questions, comments and complaints regarding agreements that have come about via the Website, please contact the address above, and not the pilot shop in Amsterdam.

2     Applicability

2.1 The terms and conditions apply to:

     (1) all POTL offers on the Website;

     (2) all orders that are made via the Website;

(3) (the handling of) all agreements that are entered into with POTL via the Website;

     (4) visiting and using the Website;

2.2 By placing an order with POTL you agree to these general terms and conditions.

2.3 Different terms and conditions only apply if they have been expressly accepted by POTL in writing.

Offers/ Agreements

3.1 All of POTL’s offers are without obligation and can be rescinded.

3.2 The availability of products is not guaranteed by POTL. POTL aims to ensure that the information on the Website is as accurate, complete and clear as possible. Products can however differ somewhat from the description and/ or images on the Website.

Prices and payments

4.1 The prices for articles shown on the Website are in euros, including VAT but excluding postage and packing, any taxes or other levies, unless stated otherwise.

4.2 The contribution for postage and packing will be mentioned separately and in advance when the order is placed. This contribution can be dependent on the ordered product and/or the size of the order.

4.3 Payment can only be made by means of one of the payment methods offered in the order process.

4.4 Additional payment and order conditions can be placed on an order.

4.5 Although prices are put on the website with the utmost care, POTL cannot guarantee their accuracy. POTL is not obliged to deliver orders that are placed on the basis of incorrect information on the Website.


5.1 Orders will be delivered as quickly as possible and at the latest within 30 working days, unless indicated otherwise. In the latter case, the purchaser will receive a timely message.

5.2 The delivery period mentioned under Article 5.1 does not imply that POTL is in legal default as a result of its expiry. This always requires a further written notice of default, whereby POTL will be given a period of at least 14 days to meet its obligations.

5.3 The exceeding of the delivery period does not give the purchaser the right to compensation, the termination of any agreement or any other action against POTL, unless there is a question of intent or wilful recklessness on the part of POTL.

5.4 Unless agreed otherwise, POTL determines the manner of shipment. The purchaser bears the risk for the products from the moment that the products are offered for acceptance at the specified address.

5.5 The purchaser is obliged to accept delivery of the products on delivery. If he purchaser fails to do so the products will be stored at the purchaser’s risk.

5.6 If the purchaser, in a situation as described in Article 5.5, does not accept delivery of the products and in spite of being warned to do so has not picked up the products within three months of the original delivery date from a location to be determined by POTL, POTL has the right to terminate the agreement and to claim the costs made from the purchaser.

6     Retention of title

6.1 POTL retains the title to all delivered products and to be delivered products until the purchase price for all of these products has been paid in full. 

Claims and Liability

7.1 POTL’s liability for direct or indirect damage is limited in each case to an amount, equal to the purchase price of the defective product, unless the damage was caused on purpose and/ or was the result of gross negligence by POTL.

7.2 POTL is not liable for damage resulting from injudicious or improper use of the product by the purchaser.

7.3 The purchaser should inspect the products immediately after delivery. Any defects should be reported to POTL in writing stating the reason, at the latest within eight days of receipt. If the purchaser has demonstrated that the product is defective, POTL can either exchange the article for a new example or, after the return of the defective product, pay back the invoice price plus the shipping costs that have been paid.

7.4 For seven working days after receipt of the product, the purchaser has the right to terminate the purchase without reason given. The termination will in this case only be accepted if the product is in a new condition, undamaged, not worn, not washed or in any other way used or amended and has been returned in the original packaging and with the (information) tickets to POTL. In this event, POTL will return the paid amount within thirty days to the purchaser. The direct cost of returning the product will be paid by the purchaser.

8     Force majeure

8.1 As a result of force majeure, POTL has the right to terminate the agreement by notifying this to the purchaser in writing.

8.2 If POTL terminates the agreement on the grounds of Article 8.1, POTL is not liable for any damage, unless in the given circumstances this is unacceptable according to criteria of reasonableness and fairness.


Language of the agreements

9.1 All agreements will be made in English. 

Visiting and using the website

By using the Website, you agree with the applicability of the conditions below for visiting and using the Website. We point out that these conditions can change from time to time. Visitors to the Website are advised to regularly check the conditions for changes.

10  Liability

10.1    POTL is not liable for any damage or costs resulting from the use of the website, or in case the Website or parts of it are unable to be used, including damage as a result of the content being incorrect or incomplete or computer viruses, unless the damage or costs are the result of intent or wilful recklessness on the part of POTL.

10.2    POTL is not liable for any damage or costs resulting from the use of electronic means of communication with the Website, including – but not limited to – damage as a result of the non-delivery or delayed delivery of electronic messages, the interception or manipulation of electronic messages by third parties or through software or equipment used for electronic communication and the transfer of computer viruses.


11  Use

It is not allowed for a visitor to the Website to disrupt the operation of the Website or other POTL computers or systems, including:

  • the distribution of harmful software, such as viruses and Trojan horses;
  • to gain unauthorised access to POTL’s computers or systems;
  • to delete files from POTL’s computers or systems.

12  Intellectual property rights

12.1    Unless stated otherwise, all of the rights, including copyrights and other intellectual property rights, of the Website and its contents rest with POTL and its licensers.

12.2    Visitors are allowed to consult the Website and make copies of it for their own use, for instance by printing or storing.

12.3    All other use of the Website including storing or reproducing (a part of) the Website or the content in another internet page is not allowed without the prior written permission of POTL.

IV        Concluding articles

13  Privacy

13.1    POTL respects the privacy of the purchaser and any data will be processed in accordance with its privacy policy.

14  Applicable law and the competent Court

14.1    These general terms and conditions, and all rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these general terms and conditions apply are subject solely to the law of the Netherlands.

14.2    Any disputes that arise in connection with this agreement, including disputes concerning the existence and the applicability thereof, will be resolved by the court in Arnhem.

15  Changes to the general terms and conditions

15.1    POTL retains the right to change or supplement these general terms and conditions by publishing the changed terms and conditions on the Website. Visitors to the Website are advised to regularly check the general terms and conditions for changes.